[SQL] Batch Sim Definition setup

[SQL] Batch Sim Definition setup

by Israr Ahmed



The following SQL can be used to look at the Batch Simulation Definitions that have been set up. This is the set up ( in Operations Manager à Services à Batch Simulation ) that links together :

      • Portfolio (query )
      • Batch Simulation ( which contains the sim results )
      • Reval Type ( what reval type to save as )

The Batch Simulation Definitions are then referred to in the run scripts when running in the End Of Day Workflows.

[Sometimes copying and pasting from another source introduces unseen line breaks / characters into the paste. To make sure this is a clean copy / paste into the Endur ISQL window , first use this remove line break‘ site to clean up the SQL ]


bs.title as batch_sim_def ,
bsd.sequence ,
sd.name as sim_def ,
rt.name as reval_type ,
bsd.extract_to_dw ,

batch_sim bs,
batch_sim_defn bsd,
sim_def sd,
reval_type rt,
query_view qv

(bs.bsim_id > 0 )
AND ( bs.bsim_id = bsd.bsim_id )
AND ( bsd.sim_id = sd.sim_def_id )
AND ( bsd.run_type = rt.id_number )
AND ( bsd.query_db_id = qv.query_id )

ORDER BY bs.title , bsd.sequence


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